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in a series of new mini books.

Introducing Cadeflaw

The California Anti-Defamation Legacy Law Advocates (CADeflaw) is a non-profit, charitable and advocacy organization which has been in existence for over two years. 


Our advocacy is narrow and specific.  We want to have a law passed in California allowing for family members of defamed deceased people to sue for civil damages. 

Now, if a person is dead nearly anything can be said or written about him.  For example, President Johnson was accused of being a “multiple murderer” by Barr McClellan in Blood, Money and Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K., (Defaming The Dead: A Legal remedy for Absurd Charges That LBJ Murdered JFK, )

First Lady Betty Ford was also slandered.  According to the Westboro Baptist Church she encouraged American women to “engage in extra-marital sex” according to the Christian Post.  Even the non-famous can be targets (see Catsouras v Department of the California Highway Patrol 2010 G039916) which means that we and our loved ones are at risk.

CADeflaw’s goal is simple.  We wish to include the deceased among those who can be legally defamed in California and give their families a statute upon which to base a civil cause of action.  

Julie Noel, Advocate 

Written for the Cadeflaw Initiative

Article 5 - Purpose (two-fold)

1. A nonprofit organization comprised solely of volunteers. Our belief is that the families of the deceased should have a way to seek relief from the slander and defamation of their deceased loved ones. While living, a person can defend themselves against slander and libel. Once they are deceased, the law currently considers that the person no longer exists. The reality is that a person’s reputation and legacy exist long after they have left this life.

Organized to protect and preserve, publicly, the legacy of those deceased and propose that all states/countries having defamation/slander civil codes be changed so that defamation applies to a “natural person whether living or deceased.”Advocates for a posthumous Anti-Defamation Legacy Law. Defamation offends the deceased's relatives; it exposes the family to public hatred, contempt, ridicule; it blackens the memory of their loved ones; and it provokes a breach of peace between people. 

We believe it's morally wrong to defame the character of any deceased person. They can't defend themselves—and Cadeflaw's mission is to help those left behind who suffer emotionally and financially, to protect and preserve the legacy of their loved ones. We believe a posthumous law will provide them with that.

2. Donate, financially, to charitable organizations whose central purpose is directed toward the education and welfare of children, globally.

Many children in the United States and abroad do not have shelter, food, clothing and other essential needs because they live in or near the poverty level. In the United States many children are dependent upon the resources of one parent with the assistance of state aid; and in many third world countries many children are orphans; solely dependent upon the gifts/donations of organizations.

Cadeflaw’s goal is to assist by giving, monthly financial, donations toward the needs of children on a global scale.

California Anti-Defamation Legacy Law Advocates

Cadeflaw law is simple; it only changes California Civil Code §§ 44-48, by changing the definition of who can be defamed to include "a natural person whether living or dead." Standing rules follow the California Probate Code §§ 6400 - 6414; a) surviving spouse, b) children, c) parents, and d) siblings.

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Petition Sites: (CA Registered Voters/Residents)

Cadeflaw's Initial Petition

Cadeflaw Italian Petition: Guilia Passaro


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Follow us on twitter: @cadeflaw @mjbrookins